Homemade Lemon Curd
I adore Lemon Curd. My favourite pudding is what I call a Lemon Puddle pudding. It's a steamed pudding soaked in lemon curd with hot lemon sauce poured over it. It takes a while to stem but it's so worth it.
There's nothing better than homemade curd. It needs a bit of attention to avoid scrambling the eggs. But once you give this recipe a try, you will make it again and again.
This Lemon curd recipe is taken from page 140 (my cake recipe) of the Clandestine Cake Club Cook Book, but I used Lemons instead of Limes. The principle for making it is the same, only the taste is different.
Make your own preserves for a filling.
Lemon curd makes a great filling for a Victoria Sponge Cake. Especially if other preserves such as Raspberry and Strawberry jams are too sweet for you. Lemons have more of a zing to them. One of my favourite recipes to make is this Lemon Yogurt Loaf Cake. It has a real Lemon kick to it.
If you fancy making your own jams, try this master jam recipe This Lime Curd recipe is ready for you to try too.

Lemon Curd
- 60 grams Butter diced
- 2 eggs
- 170 grams Caster Sugar
- Grated zest and juice of 3 large unwaxed Lemons
- Put all the ingredients for the Lemon curd in a small, heavy-based pan and heat gently, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon - don't let the mixture boil or the eggs will scramble.
- When it's thickened enough to coat the back of the spoon quite thickly, take off the heat and fill a clean 12oz/e340g jar. Seal and leave to cool.
- If you want perfection, sieve the curd before bottling to remove any cooked egg whites. But sieving will also remove the lemon zest, which you really want to keep if you want that extra zingyness in the taste.
- Use the curd to fill all cakes and even add a few tablespoons to your cake batter mix, along with more lemon zest when making Lemon Drizzle cakes.
- A few dollops mixed in with your buttercream and frosting will give that extra kick of flavour.
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